A baby is coming!
Hello nostalgia! My Timehop app has brought me to mush this week. Seeing little tiny few days old Karis is making me o so excited for my now big girl 2 year old Karis to meet her little sister NEXT month (I repeat, NEXT month). Nesting is in full swing. Weekly target trips with cart loads of baskets and containers for organization. Cleaning all day everyday. Sorting out closets. Cleaning bathrooms. Organizing linen closets. Heck, I even cleaned the refrigerator out. The past 32 weeks have flown by, baby girl has kindly planted herself in my right rib and is somehow squashing my entire Blatter at the same time. Already looking out for her mama, thanks for that. All that's left is a bit more cleaning, washing up all the baby clothes and then waiting for all the baby snuggles in the world! Bring it on July 19th!