Hello baby Karis!
With another little baby coming in 35 DAYS! I repeat 35 DAYS! I thought I would share the birth story of my first little babe! Miss Karis Brynn just turned two, but hey, better late then never.So here it goes, the big debut of our spunky miss Karis. Her due date was June 14th and I was convinced she would be late! May 28th rolls around and while getting ready for bed around 11 p.m., just like that, I thought I peed myself. Unfortunately at 8 months pregnant it's more common then it might sound. Eric wasn't phased at all and didn't believe me, because he knows my bladder is about the size of a pea, but when it continued to leak I knew things just got real. So I called the doc and she told me to come on down! So we both took quick showers, speed cleaned the house (since we thought we still had two weeks!) packed the car up and headed to the hospital! They checked me in and I was right! Karis busted through my water like the Koolaid man bustin through a wall. By now it was probably around 1 in the morning and they told me to get some rest while I could. Um ok, I'm about to meet my baby and you want me to sleep! So Eric and I did our best to sleep, and by 5 in the morning we were letting our family know the exciting news!! Of course my family rushed down to be a part of the fun, scrambled eggs in hand. The nurses had me take a long walk around the hospital to see if things can get going a little faster. Fast forward to 5 something p.m. on May 29th, no epidural (I had back surgery in high school so a epidural wasn't even a option for me) and 19 (or something like that) hours of labor, the nurse comes in to check me. Turns out Karis has ninja skills and flipped in the middle of a contraction. Meaning, she was no longer head down!! Say whaaaaaaaa!!! Five minutes later I'm in the O.R. about get get my c-section on. Blah blah blah no one needs to hear about the boring c-section details. (Side note, just because you don't feel any pain during a c-section doesn't mean you don't feel the tugging and stretching and whatever on earth else is going on down there. Think about it...think about it....ok stop thinking about it now! Ahhhhh!) Everything went well and at 6:18 p.m. we had a 6 pound 5 ounce gorgeous little girl! Some of you wonder why I'm having a c-section this time around and that's why! Not the most exciting birth story there ever was but I guess I can't complain about that! I can't wait to have another birth story in 5 short weeks!
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This picture is one of my all time favorite! "I'm here world!" Thank you nurse for Eric and Karis' first photo together! Totally frame worthy!
XOXO Ashley