This picky eater found a winner!
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Processed with VSCO with 4 preset
Processed with VSCO with 4 preset
Who else has THE pickiest eater around!? Karis wants absolutely nothing to do with a single vegetable, fruit is her friend on a good day. On a bad day though, forget about it!! Fruit snacks all day ever day would be her breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack option if I let her choose! To say the least, it is super frustrating! This being said, when I find a new snack that she actually LOVES and it's healthy, the heavens open up, and insert the HALLELUJAH with bright lights shining down, you know the drill... Gerber Lil' Beanies is my newest discovery and Karis ate half the can before I even realized what was happening! BUT i'm not even mad about it because they are baked with navy beans, have 2 grams of protein, and 1 gram of fiber. That's right, my kid is eating navy beans and doesn't even know it!! muhahahahaha ALSO, they sell them at Target which means I can pick up a new can about 5 times a week, well because that's about how often I'm at that wonderful store that takes all my money. So let's talk about a win-win for both mama and picky eating toddler! No more having to say no all day long about wanted her 17th bag of fruit snacks. Score!!!SO, do you have a toddler?? Do you have a picky eater?? Are YOU a picky eater??? I don't even care, just RUN yourself down to target and get some Lil' Beanies for your little bean! Or your big bean, maybe your husband? I don't judge...BUT before you go don't forget to grab this special offer HERE! XO Ashley