Balancing Motherhood and Blogging!
Welcome to the fourth installment of
The Mom Blog Collective: How to Balance Motherhood and Blogging.
If you're new here, here's the scoop. Once a month, our group of amazing and inspiring mamas will answer the same set of questions to do with blogging, Instagram, photography, collaborations, sponsored posts, balancing it all with motherhood, and more. We each have different perspectives and different opinions, so this is a fun way to learn from one another. We hope you'll join along! Check out the hashtag
to see everyone on
, and I will also link you to all of the amazing blog posts at the bottom of my post!
How often do you post on your blog/Instagram?
I post on Instagram every day! I think it is important to constantly be creating content and getting your name out there! Of course I go through times where I am too busy to take new photos, or I am seriously laking inspiration. Times like that I might post 3 or 4 times a week! For my blog, I try so hard to get at least one post a week! More realistically though it is probably twice a month! OOPS! My poor blog does not get as much lovin’ as my Instagram!When do you find time to blog/post?Nap time USED to be gold! Let’s have a moment of silence for my three year old’s nap time that is no more. So after bedtime it is! If I can get the kiddos asleep by 8 that gives me a good three hours for TV, aimless Instagram scrolling, and blog writing!How do you manage your time and “do it all”?“Do it all??” HA, what does that even mean? Being a good wife, a mom, keep the house clean, dinner cooked, wedding photographer on the weekend, getting sponsored posts done during the week, keeping up on my blog, finding time to actually have friends! HOLY COW! I can’t do it all. There isn’t enough time in the day! I tell my husband ALL the time how I wish sleep was optional. I could get SO much done if I didn’t have to sleep! It’s all about managing my time. Every Monday I like to look at my week and see what really needs done! I plan a few fun things in the mix so we can all get out of the house and then I go from there!How many collaborations do you take on every month?I don’t necessarily take on a certain number of sponsored posts, but more so a dollar amount. Instagram and Blogging is my job. I used to have a Etsy shop that was pretty successful but it took up SO much of my time and I wasn’t excited about it anymore. That is when I started Instagram! I keep track of the months ahead and how many sponsored posts I have and once I reach what I need to make for that month I will schedule any further sponsored posts for the next month. (are you following??) I also do NOT want to fill my followers feed up with sponsored post after sponsored post so I try my very best to mix in authentic, "every day" type photos in the mix! It's a hard balancing but I have realized the best way to keep me on track is to make a posting schedule each week. That way I can make sure I am not cramming in too many sponsored posts for the week!Check out what these other amazing mama's have to say about balancing motherhood and blogging and show them all the love... | @darlingnightingale | @occasionally_perfect | @mrsseacannon | @britthavens | @steph__pollock | @cultivatemotherhood | @_ashley_noel_ | @hellobabybrown | @thelovedesignedlife
our guests this week: | @henaandco | @momwifefoodie | @amandapahls
XO Ashley