Surviving Cold Season!
Help! Flu season is here and with Karis in preschool this year she is brining home ALL the unwanted germs! I am trying my best to keep our hands washed and my kiddos healthy but the snot noses are bound to come! I am LOVING Dr Brown's for creating a true life saver! Nose and Face Wipes coming in for the win! Wiping a child's face all day long can seriously dry out their sensitive skin. These wipes moisturize as they wipe AND dissolve mucus. I am going to call that a win, win. Not only that but Karis actually loves using them. She knows they make her feel better and she even asks for them. I keep a pack in my baby bag at all times, and one in the bathroom for when we are home!BUT WAIT, there's more! The Dr Brown's Nose and Face Wipes are not only useful when the kiddos have runny noses, they are also great for every day use! My girls are MESSY. I am wiping food, dirt, and mystery items (yikes) off their little faces all day. Insert Nose and Face Wipes here...So for sick days, and every other day, I am loving these wipes so much and I hope you all have a pack or TEN ready to roll!XO Ashley